Awani & Partners teams up with entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa to build world class companies. We incubate, acquire, merge and promote companies world-wide. We provide private equity and know-how for investment projects, specifically in Nigeria. Learn more about us or send us your proposal.
Our Focus
We focus on companies in three sectors: energy, mining and agriculture. While our engagement with companies in the energy and mining sectors are geared towards increasing production and distribution efficiencies, our engagement with farmers is driven by mechanisation and creating new opportunities for millions of farmers outside the agricultural sector, which are made redundant through modern technology.
Our Approach
Most companies seeking equity from us have tried financing their projects through bank loans, but did not meet all credit criteria. As private equity investors, we take on the risk of providing finance for projects which are not bankable, if we share the same vision regarding the economic opportunity offered and see capacity in a team to learn and apply best practices.
Our Value
The value we add is leading teams towards reducing mistakes over time so as to achieve growth through excellence. The word mistake implies guilt. We minimise time spent on this aspect and mentor teams to focus on the interesting aspect of mistakes, which is their function as "red flags" for deviation from best practices. Disciplined work on "red flags" leads to excellence. And excellence leads to growth. We motivate teams to find mistakes, until they are excellent.